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In Chanthaburi our means of transportation are in the bed of our Pastor’s pick up truck. And sometimes we drive 2 or 3 hours to ministry. At first, I hated. It was uncomfortable, too long, and unbearably windy. And also…


     Well it has been a HOT minute since I’ve written a blog post. And when I say hot I really do mean it. Here in Chanthaburi, Thailand everyday it is in the high 80’s or 90’s. In December.…


My whole life I've wanted change and somewhat enjoyed change.  But leaving Honduras to come to Thailand was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a while. I felt like I was leaving family and home. It's…


"to remain for a time" one of my favorite songs "A Song For Christine" by Anathallo is a song based on the book of the Bible, Job. Its a really cool song and I've been listening to this band for…


ugh well i was going to upload pictures to this blog but for some reason it isn't working….frustrated alert. oh well. This week my team and I went to a place called Los Pinos. Los Pinos is a colony that…

3 weeks

sooo…i had like three blogs typed up on my computer BUT MY COMPUTER HATES ME AND DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE so I had to take it to a place to get it fixed so long story short I am on my…


Soo my computer only has like 29 percent left on it soooo this will be another short and sweet blog post… This week my team and another team's ministry was "property". This consisted of a lot of yard work, cleaning,…